1 Accessing Geptop
1.1 Webserver
Geptop is maintained by CEFG group and for the current is available online at http://gepa.org.cn/geptop/.
1.2 Standalone package
Geptop is also available as a standalone python script to run in a Linux or Windows environment. The file is available at the Download. These modules MUST be installed BEFORE Geptop is used.
2 Submitting genomes Sequence on the Webserver
The sequence can be submitted at http://gepa.org.cn/geptop/. The “Upload from file” can be used to analyze your local file. Geptop requires the WHOLE-GENOMIC PROTEIN sequences in FASTA format and the essentiality score cutoff (range:0~1,default: 0.24). This format consists of these parts as follow:
- A “>” symbol at the beginning of the title line and followed a description
- The sequence itself at a newline
An example of FASTA format:
>gi|16128009|ref|NP_414556.1| chaperone Hsp40, co-chaperone with DnaK [Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. MG1655]
3 Submitting Sequences on the Standalone script
Whole-genomic PROTEIN sequences in FASTA format can also be submited on the standalone Geptop. The usage of command line and optional parameters are described below.
Usage: python geptop2.py –i protein.faa [Optional parameters: –p path of BLAST executable –s essentiality score cutoff –o output file ]
4 Output
Output sample:
#Total 14 genes are submitted
#3 of them are predicted as essential genes
Class(essential gene:1,others:0) | Essentiality Score | Protein |
0 | 0.1358 | gi|78059652|ref|YP_3 |
1 | 0.1966 | gi|78059654|ref|YP_3 |
0 | 0.0704 | gi|78059649|ref|YP_3 |
0 | 0.0704 | gi|78059647|ref|YP_3 |
0 | 0.1037 | gi|78059657|ref|YP_3 |
0 | 0.0704 | gi|78059650|ref|YP_3 |
0 | 0.0358 | gi|78059644|ref|YP_3 |
1 | 0.2532 | gi|78059655|ref|YP_3 |
1 | 0.1966 | gi|78059656|ref|YP_3 |