CEG ID Gene name(s) Description OrthoDB Cluster Cluster size cluster_size_asc cluster_size_dec Species size species_size_asc species_size_dec CEGE5901 CLSPN claspin EOG0937081D 1 1 CEGE5902 SHISA2 shisa family member 2 EOG09370M9Y 1 1 CEGE5903 ERP29 endoplasmic reticulum protein 29 EOG09370TZQ 1 1 CEGE5904 MPHOSPH8 M-phase phosphoprotein 8 EOG09370D45 1 1 CEGE5905 MED30 mediator complex subunit 30 EOG09370VH9 1 1 CEGE5906 enb - EOG093709Z4 1 1 CEGE5907 Stub1 STIP1 homology and U box-containing protein 1 (EC 6.3.2.-) (STIP1 homology and U-box-containing protein 1) (Carboxy terminus of Hsp70- interacting protein) (E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase CHIP) EOG09370WVX 1 1 CEGE5908 RTF1 RTF1 homolog, Paf1/RNA polymerase II complex component EOG09370FKI 1 1 CEGE5909 - GTP cyclohydrolase (predicted) EOG09370B8C 1 1 CEGE5910 CFDP1 craniofacial development protein 1 EOG09370YBF 1 1 CEGE5911 DPEP3 dipeptidase 3 EOG09370O8O 1 1 CEGE5912 TP53I13 tumor protein p53 inducible protein 13 EOG09370PJI 1 1 CEGE5913 SRRM2 serine/arginine repetitive matrix 2 EOG093712BN 1 1 CEGE5914 CDSN corneodesmosin EOG09370R0J 1 1 CEGE5915 ABRA actin binding Rho activating protein EOG0937145E 1 1 CEGE5916 POMP proteasome maturation protein EOG0937167X 1 1 CEGE5917 SSSCA1 Sjogren syndrome/scleroderma autoantigen 1 EOG09370TV1 1 1 CEGE5918 CROCC ciliary rootlet coiled-coil, rootletin EOG0937007O 1 1 CEGE5919 CTNNBL1 catenin beta like 1 EOG09371943 1 1 CEGE5920 PLEKHN1 pleckstrin homology domain containing N1 EOG093706IB 1 1 CEGE5921 KLHL22 kelch like family member 22 EOG0937042S 1 1 CEGE5922 RPM2 Protein subunit of mitochondrial RNase P, has roles in nuclear transcription, cytoplasmic and mitochondrial RNA processing, and mitochondrial translation; distributed to mitochondria, cytoplasmic proc EOG093707M9 1 1 CEGE5923 TANC2 tetratricopeptide repeat, ankyrin repeat and coiled-coil containing 2 EOG0937008I 1 1 CEGE5924 WDR61 WD repeat domain 61 EOG09370LN4 1 1 CEGE5925 GOT1L1 glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase 1-like 1 EOG09370CMU 1 1 CEGE5926 Pbef1 Nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase (EC (NAmPRTase) (Nampt) (Pre-B-cell colony-enhancing factor 1 homolog) (PBEF) (Visfatin) EOG093708FZ 1 1 CEGE5927 C19orf25 chromosome 19 open reading frame 25 EOG09370W7E 1 1 CEGE5928 Aes Amino-terminal enhancer of split (Amino enhancer of split) (GRG protein) (Protein ESP1) (Grg-5) EOG09370XPC 1 1 CEGE5929 TK2 thymidine kinase 2, mitochondrial EOG09370GEC 1 1 CEGE5930 DEFA6 defensin alpha 6 EOG09370C04 1 1 CEGE5931 Y55F3BL.1 Y55F3BL.1 EOG09370ZES 1 1 CEGE5932 mgm101 mitochondrial DNA repair protein (predicted) EOG09370OYP 1 1 CEGE5933 GNS glucosamine (N-acetyl)-6-sulfatase EOG093701ZD 1 1 CEGE5934 HVCN1 hydrogen voltage gated channel 1 EOG09370QFR 1 1 CEGE5935 FANCB Fanconi anemia complementation group B EOG093715D8 1 1 CEGE5936 NPS neuropeptide S EOG093717PO 1 1