Group CEGE0034

9 genes in 4 organisms

General information
Function:Gamma Tubulin

CEG_gene IDGene name(s)FunctionConditionUniProtOrganism
CEGE0034_DEG20010486SPC97Component of the microtubule-nucleating Tub4p (gamma-tubulin) complex; interacts with Spc110p at the spindle pole body (SPB) inner plaque and with Spc72p at the SPB outer plaqueRich medium-Saccharomyces cerevisiae
CEGE0034_DEG20010861SPC98Component of the microtubule-nucleating Tub4p (gamma-tubulin) complex; interacts with Spc110p at the spindle pole body (SPB) inner plaque and with Spc72p at the SPB outer plaqueRich medium-Saccharomyces cerevisiae
CEGE0034_DEG20030085EMB 1427Gamma Tubulin (GCP5)Rich medium-Arabidopsis thaliana
CEGE0034_DEG20090584alp6gamma tubulin complex Spc98/GCP3 subunit Alp6Rich medium-Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h-
CEGE0034_DEG20090809alp4gamma tubulin complex Spc97/GCP2 subunit Alp4Rich medium-Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h-
CEGE0034_DEG20112063TUBGCP3tubulin gamma complex associated protein 3Rich mediumQ96CW5Homo sapiens
CEGE0034_DEG20121861TUBGCP4tubulin gamma complex associated protein 4Rich mediumQ9UGJ1Homo sapiens
CEGE0034_DEG20121863TUBGCP6tubulin gamma complex associated protein 6Rich mediumQ96RT7Homo sapiens
CEGE0034_DEG20141715TUBGCP2tubulin gamma complex associated protein 2Rich mediumQ9BSJ2Homo sapiens