Overall of the GMMAD

GMMAD: a comprehensive database of human gut microbial metabolite-disease associations

The natural products, metabolites, of gut microbe are the crucial effect factors on diseases. Comprehensive identification and annotation of relationship among diseases microbe metabolites can provide accurate and targeted solutions towards understanding the mechanism of complex disease and development of new markers and drugs.

To help researchers better understand the mechanisms of metabolite regulation and find potential new drugs, we built the GMMAD (Gut Microbial Metabolite Association with Disease, http://gepa.org.cn/GMMAD) which aims to provide users comprehensive metabolite related information of gut microbe in human diseases.

Currently, GMMAD is free to access, browse, search, and download.

Browse Page

The browse page provides users with three options: browse by Disease-Metabolite, Disease-Microbe or Microbe-Metabolite. The disease-microbe associations were collected from HMDAD, gutMDisorder and Peryton. The microbe-metabolite associations were obtained from VMH and NJS16. The disease-metabolite association were predicted by our method. Users can select the entries under the categories of interest to view specific information. And, the browse page allows the user to download the browsing table.

The following figure shows the flow of browsing associations.

Search Page

In this interface, users can input disease name, microbe genus name or metabolites name to obtain the association information. GMMAD also provides examples to give users a clearer understanding of how to search.

The following figure shows the flow of searching associations.

Download Page

The Download page provides file downloads of all entries in GMMAD which records Disease-Metabolite, Disease-Microbe or Microbe-Metabolite relationships.

Meanwhile, it also provides external links to relevant website.

Statistics Page

The statisics page provides the number of kinds of entries in GMMAD.

Association Score & Confidence Score

We defined an association score to predict the association between the diseases and metabolites. We defined the number of microbes which increase\decrease in a disease as M\N; The number of metabolites which generated by these microbes as m/n.

The formula is shown below:

Meanwhile, we defined a confidence score to judge the credibility of association scores. We think the entries with the association score > 0.05 and confidence score > 1 are meaningful.

The formula is shown below: